Videos, Podcasts
Ted Talk “The Risk Perception Gap”
The Practical Stoic podcast (w/video)
Psychology Today, “How Risky Is It, Really”?
Big Think, “Risk, Reason, and Reality”
Selected OpEds/Essays
New York Times (paywalled)
“Fear vs. Radiation: The Mismatch”
Washington Post (paywalled)
“Be Afraid of Being Very Afraid”
“School Shootings Are Extremely Rare; Why is Fear of Them Driving Policy?”
Scientific American
“The Lesson of the Fear of Vaccines”
“Beware the Fear of Nuclear…Fear!”
“Cell Phones, Cancer, and the Dangers of Risk Perception”
Los Angeles Times (paywalled)
Public Health: Not Vaccinated? Not Acceptable
People’s fears about vaccines aren’t just about vaccines
Columbia Journalism Review,
“The Risk of Poor Reporting on Risk”
Issues in Science and Technology,
Academic Publications
Health Affairs (paywalled)
Dealing With the Dangers of Fear: the Role of Risk Communication (with George Gray
Risk in Perspective (Harvard School of Public Health)
Risk Communication: A Neglected Tool in Protecting Public Health
EMBO Reports
Toxicological Sciences